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Wisdom Teeth And Impacted Teeth

Wisdom Teeth And Impacted Teeth - Dental Clinic in Bodrum - Myndosdent

Wisdom Teeth And Impacted Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the oral cavity that complete their development between 15 and 20 years of age. Third molar teeth that grow properly will help chewing. In case the third molar, which are also called the molar teeth, are not aligned properly, they can damage other teeth and even the mandible.

Not each and every third molar has to be extracted. The dentist will evaluate the pain, other complaints and to what extent the tooth is impacted when making the decision for extraction, and will decide to extract it after considering the data unique for the patient. Decayed wisdom teeth however, must be extracted by all means.

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause severe pain during extraction.


Teeth that do not appear although natural cutting time has come are called impacted teeth. Mostly the third molars and canines can remain impacted within the jaws partially or wholly.

In some cases, canines can be driven to their required positions with orthodontic treatment. However, impacted teeth have to be extracted in cases where orthodontic treatment cannot be performed or where such teeth become sources of infection. This procedure can be carried out with a small operation.


There are three molars aligned at both sides of our jaw within the oral cavity. The last one of the three molars are called the wisdom tooth. Each oral cavity contains 4 wisdom teeth. If you feel pressure at the back side of your jaw and pain or forcing when opening or closing your chin, it may be that your wisdom teeth are cutting. Making a visit to your dentist can be beneficial to make sure.

Extracting each and every wisdom tooth will not be required. Treatment as recommended by your dentist after clinical and panoramic examination will be carried out. One misbelief we frequently encounter is that extraction of wisdom teeth will be difficult, which is not true. Position, form and whether or not it is impacted will clarify the issue of extraction will involve a surgical procedure.


  • Please do not rinse your mouth with water after the extraction. If you do, this will prevent the formation of blood clot that will ensure healing after extraction and this will result in delayed healing of the extraction wound.
  • Keep the gauze placed on the extraction area in place by pressing it firmly for 30 minutes. Please do not replace the gauze with anything else.
  • Bleeding in the form of leaking is possible, which is very normal, and can continue for 12 to 24 hours. Blood will stain your saliva, so please do not panic thinking that you bleed too much. See your dentist is you bleed really too much.
  • Mild or medium-level pain during the first few days is very normal. Your doctor will tell you that you can take painkillers that do not contain aspirin. (Aspirin can increase bleeding as it has anticoagulant effects, therefore it must not be taken.) It will be beneficial to take a painkiller before the effects of the anesthesia is worn out.
  • Poor oral hygiene or smoking too much can cause “dry socket inflammation”, which is also called alveolitis.
  • Please do not smoke and avoid alcoholic beverages for 24 hours.
  • Please consume fluid and soft and warm foods that will not require chewing.
  • Do not eat or drink too hot or too cold foods and beverages.
  • Do not touch the extraction area with your tongue or anything else.
  • Do not eat anything after the extraction till the numbness wears off.
  • After the extraction, place a high pillow under your head, and take care that your head remains higher than the level of your heart.
  • You dentist can recommend to apply ice externally for periods of 5-10 minutes for 8 hours following the extraction. This will help to reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Swelling can be seen if extraction is made with surgery. This is normal.
  • In case stitches have been placed after extraction, such sutures must be removed within 7 to 10 days. Please take care not to touch the site with your tongue when sutures are in place.

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