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Orthodontics - Dental Clinic in Bodrum - Myndosdent

What is Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of irregularities such as incompliance between teeth and gums, dental distortions or over-crowdedness of or separation between teeth. Purpose of orthodontics is the correction of dental functions as well as an esthetic appearance.

Orthodontic treatment can be applied at any age. Any disorder of jaws must be corrected before 12 years of age, because treatment of jaw disorders at more advanced ages is very difficult.

What is Done in Orthodontic Treatments?

  • Separations between teeth are closed.
  • Teeth are aligned properly.
  • Distorted teeth are corrected.
  • Both speaking and eating functions are corrected.
  • Longer period of health is provided for teeth and gums.
  • Wearing traumas on teeth will be prevented for a long period.
  • Bad bites (malocclusions) will be corrected.

What is the Time for Initial Orthodontic Examination?

Each child must undergo an orthodontic examination before 7 years of age. Apart from this, problems related to adenoids, using pacifiers for long periods of time, premature extraction of deciduous teeth, and cleft lips and palates required orthodontic examination. Early determination and solution of problems that will possibly be seen later in life is possible thanks to an orthodontic examination carried out in younger ages.

Orthodontic Treatment Methods

Fixed Orthodontic Treatment (braces): All the decidual teeth must have been replaced with permanent teeth, which coincides with the age range of 11-13 years.This treatment includes the fixation of holder parts made from metal or porcelain onto the anterior surfaces of teeth, and placing the braces within these parts. This treatment can take 1.5 to 2.5 years.

Moving Appliances: These are appliances used to enlarge jaws that are too small to contain all the teeth. These appliances are placed in and removed. Such appliances shorten the period of future orthodontic treatments with braces.

Types of Brackets Used in Orthodontic Treatment

Braces: This is the treatment applied by placing porcelain, plastic or metal parts and fixing the braces onto these holders. Since porcelain braces are white, they will not show much; however, they can teller change color when colored drinks such tea or coffee are consumed. Metal braces are now available in every color.

Invisible Braces (Lingual orthodontics): This is the type of orthodontics carried out nu placing the braces onto the posterior surfaces of teeth instead of the anterior surfaces. Your treatment will be over without anyone seeing your braces.

Transparent Braces: This is the treatment carried out using appliances that are too transparent to be visible. They are custom-made based on mold taken from the individual. They can easily be removed when eating and then re-placed. They are preferred because they are not seen when looked from outside. Irritation caused by braces will not be seen with transparent appliances.

What are the Precautions for Brace Treatment?

  • Your dental and gingival care will become even more important after your braces are fixed in place. You must brush your teeth and must carry our oral care regularly.
  • You must use the brush recommended by your dentist and brush your teeth as described by your dentist.
  • You must also take care to use the mouthwash, dental floss and interdental brush if recommended by your dentist.
  • Eat and drink soft foods and brinks carefully in the early period following the placement of brackets till you get used to them.
  • Take care not to consume hard or sticky foods like candies.
  • Consume fruits by cutting them into small pieces instead of eating them with bites.
  • Do not bite hard objects like pens when brackets are in place.


A health smile is the right of everyone whatever their ages are. Orthodontic treatment was identified with children once. In our times, adults also prefer this treatment with gradually increasing frequency. One-thirds of contemporary orthodontic patients are adults.

Transparent Aligners

Transparent aligners, which are alternatives of metal braces, are aligned plaques individually customized for patient. They are invisible from outside, and can easily be removed and re-placed. This way, your orthodontic treatment will be completed without being seen by anyone.

Your dentist will take a mold for transparent plaques in the first place. This mold will be sent to the laboratory and customized plaques will be prepared in digital medium. Your dentist will deliver your plaques to you in each appointment when they are ready. Each plaque will be replaced by your dentist with a new one every 15 days. Period of treatment will depend on teeth. You can easily remove the plaques when eating, and then place them back.

What are the Advantages of Transparent Plaques?

  • They can easily be removed and re-placed. This will not require the intervention of the dentist like in braces.
  • They are super transparent, invisible and smooth. You can smile confidently.
  • You can remove them easily on special occasions.
  • They are customized, they will not bother you or give you pain.
  • They will not limit your daily activities. You can keep up with your daily routines like brushing your teeth and using dental floss.

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