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Zirconium Veneers

Zirconium Veneers - Dental Clinic in Bodrum - Myndosdent

Zirconium Veneers

These are veneers constructed without using metal in the substructure and by processing the zirconium, which is a white colored alloy. Zirconium veneers are the most esthetic veneers and the closest veneers to natural teeth. Therefore, they are most commonly preferred in esthetic dentistry.

They do not appear dull thanks to their high transparency. Discoloring seen in veneers with metal substructures are not seen in this type of veneers. They can safely be used in allergic individual also as they are compatible with human body.

What are the Advantages of Zirconium Veneers?

  • Since zirconium is white in color, the reflection of the black metal will not be seen like in porcelain veneers with traditional metal allot substructure.
  • Zirconium is transparent, and this property is used particularly on anterior teeth to achieve the ideal esthetic appearance of smile.
  • It can safely be used on posterior teeth also thanks to its high resistance against chewing forces.
  • It does not cause allergy as it is a biocompatible material. Individuals with metal allergy must have zirconium veneers if they wish to have their teeth veneered. If porcelain veneers with metal substructure are used in such persons, many dental or gingival including gingival inflammation, gingival recession, bleeding, swelling or redness can be faced.
  • Zirconium veneers have very good hot reflection properties, and therefore they are not affected from hot or cold, and do not cause sensitivity.
  • It is possible to achieve the required color in a tooth with a very dark color. It can be applied on any tooth with any color. Color of the zirconium veneer will not change even after long years.
  • Zirconium teeth cannot be differentiated from natural teeth thanks to its esthetic structure.
  • The opaque appearance of porcelain veneers with metal supports under daylight and photo flash will not be seen in zirconium veneers.
  • They are lighter in weight as compared to veneers with metal supports.
  • Zirconium veneers do not create a metallic taste in the mouth.

What are the Disadvantages of Zirconium Veneers?

  • Costs of zirconium veneers are higher than other veneers. In spite of this, it must not be ignored that they have more esthetic appearances and can serve you for long years without being impaired because they are durable.
  • They are not preferred in posterior regions with long toothless spaces, because fractures can be seen in these regions.

What are the Treatment Stages for Zirconium Veneers?

Reduction of teeth will be carried out under local anesthesia, and therefore the patient will feel nothing. After this, molds will be obtained with special tools, and these will be sent to the laboratory. Temporary veneers will be produced for the convenience of the patient during the fitting sessions and cutting of teeth. Color, form and size of the veneers will be decided upon during fittings jointly by the patient and the dentist. The last stage will start after fitting sessions in the required number. The veneers will be adapted to the teeth permanently using a special glue in the final stage.

How will the Care for Zirconium Veneers be?

Just the dental care for your natural teeth, brushing at least twice a day for 2 minutes will suffice. Please take care to use dental floss, mouthwash or other applications if recommended by your dentist. If you come to regular control visits every 6 months, any possible problems will be foreseen and the required actions will be taken.

How Long is the Lifetime of Zirconium Veneers?

You can use them for long years if you have your regular controls by your dentist and to not ignore your oral and dental care. No particular period can be predicted.

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